Forums / The hangaround / Player Abuse

Player Abuse
21:52:07 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Seloc of Troy:

Players have been abusing the admin's precious forum :(

They've been covering it in thread. How would you feel if i started covering you room in lots and lots of thread! Thats right you wouldn't much like it, especially if I came in whilst you slept; then started putting threads everywhere! Then it would be made even worse if I left, and YOU were expected to clean it up wouldn't it: I can see it now, a pair of scissors for those tiny notted threads on your hands and knees cleaning like a CLEANER!1111two!!!

And to make matters worse they then started posting your stuff to random locations, your undes to America, Coat to England, Harddrive to Policeland, Pawns to Osi and all your other important stuff like your teddys!

This my friend is what these disrespectful people are doing to the admin! So players been doing all this "threading" and these "posts" and it's down right bad!

22:32:37 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Shmeh:


22:36:25 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

...I agree!

22:42:23 Feb 4th 09 - VU Admin:

That's why good sewing skills are required to become an moderator, so that they can make new undes and coats with all the thread.

22:44:56 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Deallus never told me he was handy with a needle...


*slaps Deallus*

What else havn't you told me!?!?!

23:03:01 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

ewwwww... I rarely ever see the admin post in a thread like this, this gives me idea }|: ) hehehehehehe....

23:22:37 Feb 4th 09 - Demonslayer John Berkeley:

What!? I don't have to tell you everything! You aren't a girl!

I do happen to be pretty good with a needle and thread...I sewed up the sleeve of my jacket after I tore it open :p

23:38:23 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Demetri Eindringen:

make me undes

10:52:19 Feb 5th 09 - Death Lord Draven:

meh sewing sucks ;)

11:58:17 Feb 5th 09 - Duke Random:

i agree, although i do confess to being someone to post alot of thread around the place... :(

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